Honoring Outdoor Environments

Project Lead: Andrea Gierlich

Task Force: Lesley Blyth, Laurie Rich, and Andrea Gierlich

Seattle is blessed with a beautiful lake in our backyard and nearby mountains with gorgeous hiking trails. We also are part of a large urban environment and contend with large city issues, trash and graffiti. SAKE members appreciate the outdoors and work to keep Lake Washington free from plastics and human-originated debris. We recognize that we can do more to protect and maintain our beautiful Pacific Northwest. 

Here are projects in the works for this focus:

Lakeside Street Project is part of the Seattle Public Utilities Adopt-a-Street program. SAKE has adopted a mile of Lakeside Street, the area in front of the south dock for clean-up four times a year. Seattle Public Utilities will provide racks, trash bags and loppers. Sign up on website like you would for practices. More working hands make the job go by faster. Sweet treats (and coffee, of course) await after your street sweep. Contact Andrea Gierlich for details. Kick-off is May 13.

Trail Projects - SAKE has members who spend additional time outdoors with feet on solid ground, and we are planning a few days of trail maintenance with the WTA (Washington Trails Association) - This volunteer organization helps build and maintain hiking trails throughout Washington State. Work parties are available throughout the year, and fill up quickly once sign-ups open. Watch for announcements about these opportunities, or contact Lesley Blyth to let her know you are interested.

In addition, we are trying to plan a trail maintenance work party with WTA specifically for SAKE.  

If you are ever in awe of that mountain to our southeast, there will be an opportunity in trail maintenance with the National Park Service in Mt. Rainiier National Park. This will be a Friday/Saturday project in August (dates tbd, and you can do just one day), with free camping available in the volunteer campground at Longmire. Point of contact is Lesley Blyth.

Lesley Blyth and Jan Fitzpatrick on Tiger Mountain with the WTA